London is a unique city for me, I cannot forget many years studying and working there.
I always love to fly back and I am looking forward to running a full-day workshop about serverless databases on AWS at the Serverless Architecture Conference next April! #SLAcon

Four 90-minutes modules
The major cloud providers offer different options to run a relational database on the cloud. An approach that gained popularity in the last couple of years is to rely on serverless databases that offer both traditional TCP connections and HTTP API access. The goal of this workshop is to teach you how to deploy and operate applications using serverless databases successfully.
Testing different serverless options on AWS, the workshop covers the benefits of serverless databases and highlights their drawbacks. We will compare different approaches and services, and explore the main benefits and limitations of a serverless RDBMS versus a more traditionally managed database.
The focus of the workshop is on architecture and deployment on AWS, playing with services like Aurora Serverless and DynamoDB On-Demand. It is meant for anyone responsible for managing and scaling software applications that require (relational) databases, such as developers, architects, and DBA. You will learn when you should consider using traditional relational and not relational databases and when it makes sense to start using serverless ones.