re:Invent 2024

Here we are, all set and ready for Las Vegas!

If you’re attending re:Invent and would like to possibly learn how (not) to manage production databases on RDS, you can already “favorite” sessions in the re:Invent catalog, even though registration isn’t open yet. Link to the catalogue here (requires registration) or just search for DEV313.

See you soon in Nevada! Now I just have one small side task: creating the slides and preparing the talk.

Navigating Amazon RDS and Aurora as a Non-DBA: A Decade-Long Journey

Join this session to learn lessons from my experience managing (without database administrator expertise) dozens of production databases for over a decade. First, hear about my mistakes: I triggered storage auto scaling during maintenance, crashed my first Amazon RDS instance on AWS Graviton due to a suboptimal configuration, and ran out of IOPS multiple times. While attempting to outsmart the automated backups, my storage costs skyrocketed, surpassing other expenses associated with the Amazon RDS instance. Also, learn from my successes: I doubled the DML per second by switching to io2 Block Express volumes and experimented with methods to optimize the storage of fragmented tables.