Category: cloud
MySQL on the cloud, from virtual machines to serverless options
Going off the beaten track and the most popular conferences in Western Europe lets you have a different prospective, meetRead the full article.
Talk at DevOpsConf Russia 2018
My last trip to Moscow was the beginning of an exciting train ride to Siberia and lake Baikal. I amRead the full article.
Minor Version Upgrades for MySQL on RDS
Very happy that my post on RDS & MySQL minor versions (and how to speed up RDS MySQL upgrades) wentRead the full article.
JAXenter: serverless databases are still a big question mark
Vorerst sind Serverless-Datenbanken noch ein großes Fragezeichen is the (German) title of the interwiew I recently had with Jaxenter aboutRead the full article.
Enabling KMS encryption for a running Amazon RDS instance
Last week I wrote a post on enabling KMS encryption for a running Amazon RDS instance for the Open SourceRead the full article.
Operational challenges of RDBMS on the cloud
Here are the abstract and the slides of my talk “Do not press that Button: Operational Challenges of relational DatabasesRead the full article.