
  • The accidental remote worker in action

    Ten lessons and mistakes learned in ten years around Europe: proudly sharing the slides of my presentation last week atRead the full article.

  • Is Serverless the Future of Relational Databases?

    I am very happy to talk about the new options available for running a relational database on the cloud andRead the full article.

  • The Accidental Remote Worker

    To celebrate my first ten years working remotely for Funambol, I am looking forward to talk next week at theRead the full article.

  • Think About! Conference 2019

    Looking forward to be a speaker next month at Think About! in Cologne, an event about technology, design and theirRead the full article.

  • Talk at Make Random Great Again

    “Alexa, what is the capital of Israel?” is the title of my talk at the Make Random Great Again meetupRead the full article.

  • Think About! Stammtisch in Cologne

    I am looking forward discussing software development and territorial disputes at the very first Think About! Stammtisch in Cologne nextRead the full article.

  • Talk at Factory Berlin

    How can software developers and startups manage location-based services in disputed territories or partially recognized state? Looking forward to presentRead the full article.