The (accidental) developer at re:publica 18
Very happy I had the chance today to talk at re:publica on a topic I care about, how can softwareRead the full article.
AWS Certified Security – Specialty
After going through two iterations of the AWS Certified Security – Specialty Beta, I am happy the results are finallyRead the full article.
Architectures on the cloud: from traditional deployments to serverless architectures
Here are the abstract and the slides of my talk “Architectures on the cloud: from traditional deployments to serverless architectures”Read the full article.
Talk on cloud architectures at SFI Krakow
Architectures on the cloud: from traditional deployments to serverless architectures is the title of my talk at the SFI inRead the full article.
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional
To celebrate 5 years after my very first AWS certification, I got today my fifth one, the AWS Certified DevOpsRead the full article.
Talk at re:publica 2018
I am really excited (and a bit nervous already!) to attend next May re:publica, Europe’s most inspiring conference on internetRead the full article.