Tag: remote

  • Home exchange and remote working

    From Amsterdam to Marseille, from Rome to Barcelona. In many years of remote working, I have often relied on houseRead the full article.

  • How remote work can help us to reconnect with nature

    We need to kick the indoor habit and new technologies and the rise of remote work can actually make thatRead the full article.

  • Talk at Freelancer Bootcamp

    Lessons and mistakes learned working for over 10 years remotely: the slides of my talk yesterday at the Freelancer BootcampRead the full article.

  • Freelancer Bootcamp

    In just over a week, on Saturday the 28th, I will be talking about my experience as a remote workerRead the full article.

  • Q&A with Amsource Technology

    My toughts on being based in Berlin, working remotely, DevOps culture and why I like to speak at DevOps meet-ups.Read the full article.

  • The accidental remote worker in action

    Ten lessons and mistakes learned in ten years around Europe: proudly sharing the slides of my presentation last week atRead the full article.

  • The Accidental Remote Worker

    To celebrate my first ten years working remotely for Funambol, I am looking forward to talk next week at theRead the full article.