
  • Generating reports and KPIs with throw-away databases

    We all love metrics. We all need numbers. And different stakeholders need different numbers. Numbers that will drive key decisionsRead the full article.

  • Figuring out the cost of versioning on Amazon S3

    [Update 2021: you can now figure out the cost of versioning using S3 Storage Lens] We all love versioning onRead the full article.

  • Changing innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit on the cloud?

    I am always curious to find the differences between managed databases on public clouds. Let’s consider for example innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit, aRead the full article.

  • Avoiding a cloud wreckage

    A cargo ship and a sailboat are different ways to cross the ocean. They both have different strengths and limitationsRead the full article.

  • Hey, where is my country?

    What looks like a simple choice in a drop-down list, can turn into a PR nightmare. Integrating an external mapping service can unintentionally make many of your users unhappy. How can software developers and startups manage location-based services in disputed territories or partially recognized state?Read the full article.

  • Serverless Architecture Conference 2020

    Looking forward to talk about relational databases on the cloud at the Serverless Architecture Conference. Here in Berlin, next October!

  • Dev Around the Sun

    Looking forward to be a speaker next week at Dev Around the Sun, a 24-hour international fundraiser organised by theRead the full article.