Keep Your Presentation Simple: How a Pigeon Hijacked My Talk
Load tests using JMeter and shopping patterns are more meaningful but often not powerful enough to explain a new concept. Absurd examples might do better and keep the audience focused, the risk is to take the game too far.Read the full article.
InfoQ – September 2022
From free trial instances on Google Cloud Spanner to AWS Event Ruler now open source, from s3 support on Azure Data Explorer to Google Cloud Certificate Manager: a recap of my articles for InfoQ in September.Read the full article.
ADDO 2022: Drawing the NYC Skyline with a serverless database
I am pleased to be virtually on stage at All Day DevOps for the third year in a row onRead the full article.
CloudWildBoar and 100% Availability
No system provides 100% availability, so the pragmatic question is whether or not CloudWildBoar delivers availability that is so high that most users don’t worry about its outages. Read the full article.
An Absurd Way to Try Amazon DynamoDB On-Demand
There are different ways to learn and test Amazon DynamoDB on-demand and test how the database process requests without capacity planning. Read the full article.
Amazon CloudFront Supporta HTTP/3
AWS ha recentemente annunciato che le distribuzioni CloudFront supportano richieste HTTP versione 3 (HTTP/3) su QUIC. L’utilizzo di HTTP/3 è opzionale ma fornisce tempi di risposta più rapidi e maggiore sicurezza rispetto alle versioni HTTP precedenti.Read the full article.
InfoQ – August 2022
From private 5G networks on AWS to the largest DDoS attack on Google Cloud, from Microsoft Dev Box to the risk of recursive serverless functions: a recap of my articles for InfoQ in August.Read the full article.